5 Best Social Network Sites For Marketing

Social Media is the #1 way to get your marketing message out to your target audience. Utilizing Social Network Sites for Marketing enables you to exploit a market of potential customers with targeted ads that have the ability to generate hundreds if not thousands of leads per month. This article is about Social Media being used for marketing so it is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of what social media is and how to use it.

If you are new to social media then we want to provide you a primer on what social media is and how to get started with it.

  1. Getting started with any of the social networks in this article, is easy. First, you must register before using the site, registration is a simple process of supplying some information about yourself and setting up an account, then updating your account’s profile information with information relating to your account such as your photo, a description of yourself and your privacy settings.
  2. The purpose of Social Networks is “Networking” with your family, friends, or colleagues. You do this by creating/updating your personal profile, adding other users as friends, and exchanging messages about topics that are of interest to you.
  3. Common features of social network sites include the ability to receive automatic notifications when your “Friends” update their profile or post a status about themselves, upload pictures you like, as well as create photo albums of your pictures.
  4. Additionally, users may create/join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as “People From Work” or “Close Friends”.
  5. The power of a social network site for marketing comes in the sharing of ideas and information. Marketing placed on social media sites has the potential to go “Viral” simply by being interesting to your target audience and them sharing your message with their friends.

Now let’s go through the list of what I believe are the Top Social Network Sites that you should be using today for your marketing.

5 Best Social Network Sites For Marketing

Facebook –

Facebook is undeniably the largest Social Networking Service on the internet today. With a membership of over 900 Million users, (as of May 2012) Facebook should be the “First” place to focus your marketing efforts when looking to market your goods or services online.

Best Social Network Site For Marketing

Any user with a profile on Facebook can create marketing ads to promote their business. Facebook provides the ability to create a multitude of ad types which allow you to promote your products and/or services, pages, posts, or featured articles. Promotions on Facebook can be targeted to a specific niche market or demographic thus providing you with a true set of customers that have the propensity to be interested in your offering.

Twitter –

Twitter is a different Social Media site that some of the other sites on this list because it doesn’t provide for the same level of detailed profile, pictures and sharing as say Facebook does for instance. However, Twitter does have a large membership base and shows up as #2 on our list because of it’s size and Alexa ranking details.


Members on Twitter share there statuses in short 140 character “Tweets” which are used to tell all of their followers such updates as where you are, what you are doing, what you are reading, and any other number of possible status updates that you can imagine. These tweets are a good way to get your marketing message out to your followers.

Linkedin –

Linkedin is a more “Professional” Social Media Network. It’s used more by professionals to stay in contact with colleagues than the other networks in our listing. Where Facebook is for socializing with your friends and family, Linkedin is more for keeping your current and past professional colleagues up-to-date on where you are in your career and professional life.


Linkedin should be used for marketing to professionals and is not recommended for marketing products and/or services that are more appealing to a younger crowd. However, if your marketing message would benefit professionals that are interested in advancing their careers then Linkedin is a good choice.

Pinterest –

This is an interesting newcomer to the social media realm. Pinterest, has stormed into the  5 Best Social Networking Sites for Marketing just in the past 6 months. Pinterest is based on the whole premise of sharing pictures and photo albums with others. The availability of mobile devices and the ease of taking pictures and uploading them to your Pinterest albums has driven this social network site to our Top 5 Listing


We see Pinterest as being a strong contender in the coming months as you can see from it’s Alexa rankings that it is on the move where other social networking sites on our list have stagnated in recent months.

Google+ –

We had to have Google+ on our list of the Top 5 Social Networking sites not because we think it is a great social media site. But, because it is backed by Google and we think that this site has more potential (and money) available to it than the other sites on the list so we see big opportunities in the coming months for this social media site.

Google+ is part of Google, therefore, we have not included the Alexa Ranking for it because Google is the # 1 ranked destination website on the internet today. With that type of moniker, Google+ has the ability to out rank any of the other sites on our list once they get the right niche identified.


  • Social Network Sites
  • Social Networking Sites
  • Social Network Websites
  • Social Networking Websites
  • Social Media
  • Social Media Networks

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