How To Improve Search Engine Rankings

Improve-Search-Engine-RankingOf course everyone wants to know what the secrets are to improve their search engine rankings. Showing up in the search engines is the best way that websites have for generating traffic to their websites and ultimately selling their products and/or services.

If you’re not getting traffic to your website then chances are that your website is simply setting out on the internet, with few, if any visitors!

The search engines are all using similar algorithms to figure out how they want to rank a site. The three main things you want to focus on to get a fantastic page rank from the search engines are the following:

  • Quality of the content on your site as well as frequency of updates
  • Popularity of the site (other sites linking into your website)
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
    That is the basics of what all the search engines look for to determine whether or not they will crawl your site and rank your content.
    Now that you understand what they are looking for, I want to expand on things you can do to improve all three of the above areas to improve your search engine rankings.

Improve Search Engine Ranking-Quality Of Content

The quality of your content over the quantity is something you want to take into consideration. Google has recently unleashed their Panda updates and it sent out a loud and clear message that if your content is junk and keyword stuffed they will not be ranking it.

Google and the other search engines want to see quality content on the web. Not filler postings that are stuffed with keywords, just to drive traffic to your sales page. Google has made this point clear and has penalized many websites for poor quality content.

To write a good quality post you first need to pick your focus keyword. Then use that focus keyword and compose a well written informative 500-1000 word blog posting. Ensure your blog post is of good, high quality material and that it provides value to your visitors. You’ll soon see your ranking begin to increase and more and more of Google’s and the other search engines crawling and ranking your content.

Not only for your search engine rankings,  but also for the sake of your followers,  you should be posting valuable content over spammy content anyway.

Post frequently – try to post at least 3 times per week. This provides fresh content for your website visitors as well as the search engine crawlers that will help you to get your content ranking in the search engines.

If you want to drive traffic to a capture page then setup a proper campaign and do this in the proper manner. The point of using the search engines is to rank valuable postings so people can find and read your content.  Once your visitors feel you have provided them value then they may feel compelled to do business with you and purchase your products or services. As you can see, there is a big difference between pushing out lots of poor quality content just to target keywords as opposed to less quantity, but much better quality, content for your visitors.

Remember these principles with every blog post you make and within time both the search engines and your visitors will show their appreciation to you.

Improve Search Engine Ranking-Make Me Popular!

What does the popularity of the site mean?

Popularity of your site used to be all about how many other websites were linking into your site and what their PR (PageRank) value was… But not anymore, now more than ever social media is taking over!

The search engines will be looking at how many “social shares” your content is getting. If you do not have social sharing buttons embedded in your postings, its time to add them. By providing social sharing buttons on your website your visitors can “Like” and “Share” your content to their favorite Social Networks. By providing social proof to their friends about your posting your website will benefit from the additional traffic, back links to the social networks, as well as higher rankings by the search engines.

The other popularity is PageRank. This has to do with “link popularity.” All this means is the more links that are linking back to your site the better. Find other high quality bloggers who may want to exchange links. By linking with other Higher PR websites you will soon see your PR Value for your website increase. Again, these higher PR values provide you with a higher search engine ranking.

Improve Search Engine Ranking- Improve SEO

seoSo far, the steps that we have covered are going to make a huge difference in your overall SEOSearch Engine Optimization” efforts.  However, there is a lot more to SEO.

We’ve broken down additional areas of SEO that we won’t try to cover here in this post. Instead, we will save them for future posts where we can dig deeper into how to optimize your website within each of these areas to improve your search engine ranking.

Some other SEO tips to learn and implement would be:

  • On Page SEO
  • Off Page SEO
  • Link Building Strategies
  • Content Creation
  • Blog Post Structuring
  • Guest Blogging
  • Press Release
  • Social Syndication

I hope this article has helped inspire you with some fresh ideas to help improve search engine rankings on your own website.

To Your Prosperity

The NetworkCEO




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  1. […] the search terms a visitor uses when searching on search engines, like Google, for information. To rank well in the search engines requires an understanding of what your target visitors are searching for as it relates to your […]

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