Technology Transition

The NetworkCEO website has been around for several years and our common focus has always been on how to leverage the internet in marketing your business.

While we still believe that utilizing the internet in your marketing efforts can bring substantial benefits to your business, we have decided to focus more on the technology around the internet and take our readers back to the basics of the tools and technology that drives the internet.

Over the years, while teaching Internet Marketing skills, we have observed that many individuals and businesses lacked the knowledge and understanding of the technologies used to drive the internet. This lack of understanding served as a road block to many of our clients, which in turn, caused them to fail in their internet marketing efforts.

So we need to learn to walk before we can run… Hence, the basics needed to be successful in marketing your business on the internet.

Internet Technology

Internet Technologies

Internet Technologies

It’s important to understand that the internet does not operate by a single technology.

Instead, it’s a collage of protocols, services, programs, servers, and resources that make the internet operate.

Without the technology of Domains, DNS, IP4, IP6, FTP, Email, Web Sites, Web Servers, etc… etc…. etc… There would be no internet.

“Without Technology, There would be no Internet!”

In the coming months we will be focusing more of our discussions on each one of these technologies. We plan to include step by step guides, tutorials, and video which our readers can use to assist them in understanding these technologies and using them in their day to day business activities.

We’ll teach you to understand how the technology can be used in your business marketing. But, Internet Marketing will not be our main goal. Instead, we want to teach you the technology and let you decide how you want to use it for marketing and building your business.

Technology Topics

We will start with an article on what we consider the most basic technology – DNS. It’s our opinion that this is the foundation of the internet and is the one technology that ties them all together. Without DNS we would still be looking for addresses on the internet based on the IP4 or IP6 representation. This of DNS as the Yellow Pages for the internet. Without DNS you would just be wandering aimlessly in a sea of numbers.

After we provide you with a thorough understanding of DNS, how to set it up, and how to use it to benefit your business. We will cover additional topics such as;

  • Domains – How to get one for your business and use your domain name to promote your business.
  • Email – How to set it up for your business, how to use your own domain name an do away with those free GMail, HotMail and Yahoo accounts.
  • FTP – What this technology is and how you can use it with your business
  • Web Sites – Do you have an internet presence? If you have not set up a website for your business then you are not using the internet to it’s full potential.
  • Social Media – We’ll discuss what these sites are and delve into how you can leverage them for marketing your business.
  • Managed Services – If this all sounds like too much to comprehend or deal with. Maybe, a Managed Services provider is in your future.

In each discussion, we will take you through the actual setup and configuration of the tools for a fictitious company. We’ll show you how we will leverage the internet tools, we will be discussing, for the promotion and marketing of our company. We want to make the process so easy to understand that you will utilize our examples in your own business.


In the course of my career I have owned and operated many successful businesses. I have been involved in technology and the internet since 1978. The posts that will be forthcoming are intended to provide my own experiences and knowledge in leveraging the internet to grow your business. I hope that the information I have to share will assist you in building your business and provide you with the knowledge to help your business grow.



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